Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm Mildly Peeved About That Catchy Slogan!


So, today I was checking into the inspiring, incestuous world of blogging. I don't know where these people get the energy, but apparently lots of them are reading each others' posts, and posting about them, and responding to the posts about that, and so on. It reminded me of a print ad I once saw: $49.99 to attend a seminar entitled, "How To Become A $1,000-A-Day Seminar Leader." That's a profit of, let me see here...

Anyway, I have to admit to a perverse satisfaction in reading about our No Fat Chicks Bumper Sticker In Chief. Catch of the day is the Smirking Chimp site, only for their slogan: "Ask not at whom the chimp smirks, he smirks at you."

But, to the point. Let's say you really get the wind up your nose about this whole thing. Begin to get all agro. Start punching in daring, radical keywords into Google (before it's too late.)

Go to http://ImpeachBush.com. Go. I dare you.

Or, for the weak of heart, I'll tell you what you can find there. And it will shock you.

There's several things, actually. There's a redirect to eBay, believe it or not. And a flummox-worthy invitation to buy "our politically correct Political T-shirts." (Mightn't "political" and "politically correct" be mutually exclusive?) Now, I have to admit, it's hard to supress a chuckle at the coffee mug that muses, "If Kerry is the answer, it must have been a stupid question."

But where is the rage? We're learning. Bush DEFINITELY went AWOL -- that's Absent Without Leave -- several years before sending his band of flying monkeys to attack the validity of Kerry's third Purple Heart. And his administration DEFINITELY, no questions asked, no denials denied, made up "facts" and discarded other "facts" to prove whatever they thought would let them get at Saddam's oil, because Saddam "tried to kill my Daddy" (actual quote.) And you know what? After discovering the fancy memo, Britain also discovered: that it didn't give an airborne turd. And you know what else?

Yeah, you know: neither do we.

I tell you what. I'll tell you how to turn your vote into TWO votes. See, only half of registered voters vote at all (given unusually high turnout, in fact.) So, when you cast your vote for Ralph Nader (because you hate America) you're also voting in place of that fat, bald guy sitting on his dilapadated porch just south of Tampa, trying to even out his sunburn, and wondering idly whether his Bud Lite would look more upper-crust with a little umbrella in it.

Could you pretty please do at least that fucking much?


"Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup; they tumble as they pass, they slip away across the universe..."
-George Harrison


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