Friday, February 25, 2005

Goodbye, Cruel W-- wait a minute...


File this right with the last one, under "Amazing Local Politics." San Francisco's a great place for such things, but like most things I say, this one should be accessible to stupid people everywhere.

Front page, "above the fold" today in the Chronicle, a feature piece -- two, in fact -- on a crowd of mourners beseeching Golden Gate Bridge directors to erect a suicide barrier. (Think I can say "erect" in every entry I compose? Stay tuned.)

Okay, insert disclaimer about how suicide is a bad thing. I don't want anyone's family members killing themselves -- Bushes, Cheneys (as Asimov queried, can a robot kill itself?) and Condoleeeezzzas excepted -- any more than anyone else. And it's understandable that these upstanding members (see "erect") would seek some postmortem redress. Counterarguments, for the record, include considerations of aesthetics, important mainly for tourism, and budget, which is redder than the bridge.

Here's my take. If your uncle hangs himself, I'm very sorry. But even in America, you shouldn't go suing the rope manufacturer.

The Chron bit describes Phillip Holsten, a local doctor who took the dive in October "without [ever] giving any warnings that he was even depressed." His girlfriend says, "There is no doubt in my mind that Phil's act was an impulse, a terrible impulse."

Now the test. Does this woman represent a segment of society too politically sympathetic to make fun of?

Surely you know the answer to that one.

"A terrible impulse" sounds too much like "a terrible, terrible impulse," or something else Captain Kirk might say. So what you're telling me is, I'm a happy doc, I draw insurance kickbacks left and right, my ladyfriend can suck the crome off a trailer hitch, but as I stroll across this lovely bridge, I can't help wanting to be in the Bay to Breakers, literally.

Or, possibly, lady, you missed a couple signs somewhere.

Otherwise known as: Guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people.

Just a word on the most useless figurehead since the British Royals: Pope John Paul II had a relapse (of his flu-like symptoms! -- see below for the incredible dangers inherent in such symptoms; you'd rather have SARS) and had to undergo a tracheotomy. He made it through; the headline described him as "serene."

If I were lying drugged in a bed, convinced I was about to meet with Everlasting Glory, I'd be serene, too.


That job with the Supervisor? I quit. Ironically, someone who does something that sensible isn't qualified for a SF City Hall position in the first place.

"There are no stupid questions -- only stupid people who ask questions."
-Chris "Boomer" Berman

Thursday, February 17, 2005



San Francisco just passed a law.
The supervisors -- one of whom, in my eternal wisdom, I work for -- passed an ordinance, three, actually, describing exactly the conditions under which you may or may not keep a dog.

For example, the dog has to have a five-sided home. The pentagon would suffice.

There are provisions for how many inches of water in his bowl, number of spikes in his collar and quelludes in his kibble (for pit bulls, rotweilers, and certain sarcastic, elevator-operating basset hounds;) you get the idea.

Now, you have to understand, San Francisco is a hippie little town, seven miles by seven, with about 120,000 dogs in it. And they sure do love their politics.

So it should come as no real surprise that these bleeding-heart types, which describes, for one, my whole family-and-friend set, provided a single baffling exception to this new law. If you're financially unable to provide the specified minimum of space, shelter, and care for your dog... you're exempt.

Lower-middle class busboy living in the Mission District, cops find four-sided doghouse on your property... you're a VIOLATOR. And remember, California has that groundbreaking three-strikes-for-stealing-three-pizzas law. Millionaire lawyer in Pacific Heights, four-sided doghouse? Strike two.

Bum living on the street, dog got ribs sticking out left, right, and center, in the pouring rain?

Get out of jail free.

Think I'm exaggerating? Making it up?

It's in the papers. It's on the books. Look it up.

You should move to our town. It's just what we need. More fucking tourists.


"Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love,
But--why did you kick me down the stairs?"
-John Philip Kemble

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Column-Like Blog Entry


I have today a very simple question. Why flu-like symptoms?

"David Wells was scratched from his start today with flu-like symptoms." Well, in Wells' case, we can understand the courtesy. Wells was so hungover that he crashed into a bellman, toppling tons of luggage, including a guitar amplifier that broke Wells' foot. Wells then threw up in the face of fellow guest Diana Ross, prompting Wells' team to describe his symptoms as "flu-like." (Ross's makeup team, however, failed to notice any difference in her appearance.)

But generally, libel suits aside, I think it's usually safe to say someone "has the flu." Or, if that sounds too radical, say he "appears to have an illness." If it looks like the flu, and quacks like the flu...

Take a headline today in my local dishrag, the San Francisco Chronicle, which proclaims, "OJ Simpson's Brother At Wheel Of Death Shuttle." "Death Shuttle," eh? Pretty sensational. So we're clear on that: it was the Shuttle of Death. Apparently, Simpson's brother, jealous of OJ's celebrity, decided to get in on the act. And, like a good family man, Melvin (really!) Simpson quickly explained to authorities that the woman lying roadside was a homeless lady who had dashed onto the freeway and in front of his Shuttle of Death.

Of course, Melvin's story changed some when it turned out the dead woman had simply been thrown from his van -- a shuttle from the San Francisco Airport, not Hades -- after he apparently nodded off at the wheel. Because... because... wait for it...

He had flu-like symptoms.

This is a late-breaking story, as flu-like Death Shuttle stories go, so there's no word yet as to which golf course Simpson will be released to, to look for the real killer.

Look there! I think someone just ducked into the sand trap off the eleventh green! He was trying on a golf glove that appeared two sizes too small! Death Shuttle! Flu-like!

- - -

We live in a very, very interesting country.


"When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal."
-Richard M. Nixon

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Sheryl Crow Takes One For the Team (She Can Afford It)


Well, I'm going to rant about music, because I'm going to rant about politics, and we both need a warmup.

Sheryl Crow. What's the deal with this girl? First of all, everybody thinks she's hot, in that Alanis Morrisette, horsey-faced kind of way. Me, I shun the equine sort. Well and good. But her songs -- she's an excellent pop songwriter, as you've doubtless noticed. The first time I heard Soak Up the Sun was when it was being performed, beautifully, open-arm gestures and all, by a class of kindygarteners. I've seen worse renditions of Evita. I just figured the teacher had stumbled upon the perfect song for such a performance in her dusty tape collection.

But there's a limit. Now, there's nothing wrong with Sheryl -- although it's true inviting her over is tantamount to ponying up an extra forty bucks in oats, apples, sugar cubes, and the like -- it's just a "two types of people" thing.

(A) There are two types of people in this world: the type that groups everyone into two types of people, and the type that doesn't.

(B) There are two types of readers, listeners, and audiences: the type that enjoys sifting through veiled meanings and multi-layered image systems, and the type that prefers their entertainment on a single plane, a silver platter, breakfast in bed.

Now, I'm sure you can guess which type I am, but I have nothing against the latter group. They make up much of America's defining citzenry: televangelists and storm troopers, just to name two. And they dig your Sheryl Crows: quick and catchy; easy to follow, even sing along with; short enough for radio play but long enough to stimulate whatever button it is that they have and I don't, like a benevolent white-coated lab tech poking a happy rat's frontal lobe with the blunt end of his pencil.

On the other hand, you have, say, Pearl Jam -- whose equally catchy "Better Man" constituted their biggest hit since they Bronx cheered MTV and Ticketmaster. And yet, can you tell me what the song's about? Okay, a guy sneaks in late; the girl was going to confront him but doesn't. So? Confront him about what? "She dreams in red." So?

What about "Daughter?" For your money, is it "Young girl / violins," or, "Young girl / violence?"

It so happens the lyrics on that one can be found in the liner notes. And what do you know: both choices are listed. They're happy to say: You figure it out.

As for Sheryl Crow: love her, leave her, put her out to stud, she serves a legitimate purpose -- namely, to keep those KISS and STAR FM listeners away from Brian Adams long enough for us to vacate their airspace.

But if you want to really want to know the difference between people (A) and (B), give a listen to the other cuts on Pearl Jam's first several albums -- and then to Sheryl's tribute album covers of The Beatles' Mother Nature's Son (I Am Sam Soundtrack) and, especially, Led Zeppelin's D'yer Maker (Encomium.)

I recommend this especially if you've been defending modern artists when compared to, oh, Led Zeppelin, or the Beatles. She makes Robert Plant sound like Placido Polanco -- who's the second baseman for Philadelphia, but still a better reggae artist than Seabiscuit over there.

For extra added bonus, I will do you the favor of saying, if palefaces' efforts at reggae intrigue you, UB40 not included, you must immediately sample the "Regatta de Blanc" stylings of the Police. We're talking whole albums, not Greatest Hits, though you'll find plenty of those. Start with Outlandos D'Amour. You will so thank me later.

Q: Did drummer Stuart Copeland accidently-on-purpose invent "jungle," and we only noticed twenty years later?

Which brings us, my friend, to religion. Or politics. Which is now the same thing, thanks to only about forty-three fuckheads in Miami-Dade I've never met and who hopefully took well-earned vacations to Southeast Asia last month.

Or, let's make this a little sexier.

This is really about sex. Sex in a religipolitical context. But sex.


Isn't this so much more fun than evolution?

For, just like those students forced to watch cowering teachers tapdance around "the 'E' word" in biology -- which must sound something like Jason Giambi's drawn-out, dramatic apology for "I-c-a-n-t-t-e-l-l-y-o-u-w-h-a-t" -- we've set anonther standard for spitting in the face of science, then grabbing its ass, then telling it it was someone else who grabbed its ass, then, when it's looking around to see who might have done it, grabbing its ass again.

We've got two facts at hand that seems to be at odds.

FACT A: Numerous studies have been done on the effect of abstinence education, and specifically whether it, without supplementary sex education, is enough to stem the decades-old problem of teen pregnancies and, for some of the studies, STD's. These studies invariably find that a strict diet of Just-Say-No diatribes goes as far toward preventing pregnancy as telling teens their strawberry Trojans should be used as chewing gum.

FACT B: President Bush -- who, say insiders, chews nothing but Durex Shiek Ribbed Spermicidal Chocolate-Banana -- is throatfucking us with another $130 million or so in spending on, you guessed it, abstinence education. $130 million that could be spent, I'd wager, on something else. Like me wagering. Which appears to be, literally, a far more sound financial investment.

Look, I'm all for teens not having sex; I was an avid practitioner myself for many years. And, in the absence of a hammer, I guess it doesn't hurt to try pounding that pesky nail with your soggy cigar. All I'm saying is, you should rethink your approach if there's also a chunky, grinning intern looking greedily at the same cigar, and strumming her cooch.


"A single sentence will suffice for modern man: he fornicated and read the papers."
-Albert Camus

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Way to Go, Ratt-o!


Look, you know how it pains me to play the bitter, under-exposed hack writer. (How being, not much.) But take it from a bitter, over-exposed hack writer: my stuff is good.

Yes, yes, it seems SF Chronicle and sometime ESPN columnist Ray Ratto somehow found his way to my little blog. Or perhaps he came up with this stuff completely out of thin air -- which, in the mortifying tradition of Glen Dickey, is exactly what he usually does -- but his column in today's Chron reeks of last week's leakings from Martin's own Brain.

McGwire's untouchable. Despite the steroids. Because of his image. Because, perhaps, tut-tut, of his race. The only difference is --

Well, the only difference is metabolism. Ratto is an old, fat fuck. I am a young, virile fuck. That's why my story broke way first.

But, in order for you to be consistently amazed by my amazingness, I shall now come up with something else to talk about, so that someone else, probably with a publishing agent, can talk to you about it NEXT week. Hold the reins, I have to go refill my Jameson's.

So, by way of delayed gratification, I serenade you with an addendum to things I wrote about last week... lest they be revisited THIS week by someone else. Someone more famous, perhaps, and considerably fatter.

As you cow afficionados may recall, I recently left you with an at-large bid available on the bottom of the Burger Pyramid. Now a valued friend persuades me that, as far as San Francisco burgers go, a Russian Hill bistro called The Street features a ground sirloin with your choice of trimmings that surely merits a top spot on the chart. I, of course, resist, ultimately because, despite their footnoted features of bacon and other meaty love, this item is the lone burger listed on the Street menu, and, in fact, is not even called a "burger" at all. I resist -- until I bite into it. Then I make my "Oh" face.

So, in honor of one B. Critta, I hereby promote The Street's sirloin burger to number three on the list... number two if it's served to you by the lovely Laura, barkeep extraordinaire, Tuesdays and Sundays. (And, as lovely as she is, don't let Laura talk you into her cucumber-infused vodka. It sounds like it's better than it sounds. But it's not.)


"An example from the monkey: The higher it climbs, the more you see of its behind."
-St. Bonaventure

If you enjoyed last time's cut-and-paste exercise -- and you know you did -- try this on for size. It's like a FoxNews teaser: quick and hard-hitting. If you don't believe me, just read the URL carefully.

Friday, February 04, 2005

In the News


This here is surely worth a moment's cut-and-paste into your browser window. File it under "W" for "Why Other Countries Think Our Country Is Nucking Futs."



"It's better to burn out
Than fade away."
-Neil Young

Thursday, February 03, 2005

It's Fun


Actually, I'm just here for the quote of the day. It dates from Tuesday.

"Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people."
Lt. Gen. James Mattis, a three-star general in the Marine Corps

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Where to EAT A BURGER in San Fran


1) BULLS HEAD restaurant, right at West Portal's M Oceanview / L Taraval gate. Despite phallic name and occasional bun-leakage, normally a bad thing, this burger cannot be beat. Fries much better than they look. Appropriately medium-dark lit, and next to the equally toned-down Philosophers' Club bar, on the other side of which lives the way over-rated sub joint for high school kids who don't know about Roxie's sandwiches on San Jose.

2) BARNEY'S BURGERS, of which there's several, including Berserkley. I go to the one in Noe Valley, at Castro by 24th, since they're a little short on atmosphere to begin with. Again, problems with drippage... but would you expect any less? And again, a lot of meat and plenty of tasty trimmins to make your day complete. Your metrosexual friends can charge up on one of their major salads. Don't bother geting more than a "half" basket of fries to split for two.

3) FLIPPERS on Oak off Hayes Valley. Another can't-miss choice, and has a patio that beats Barney's front deck. Fries are the joint. Just raised their prices, so they drop a notch or so.

4) BURGERMEISTER at Church & Market or by the N Judah tunnel in Cole Valley. A little cheesy with the flourescent look, and there's just counter people instead of servers, strictly speaking. But they give good attitude, sport a juke, and won't let you walk away hungry.

5) ANY SUGGESTIONS? martinrowicky@yahoo.com.

Where is "East Portal" located?


"They also serve who only stand and wait."
-John Milton