Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Unseen Hand of Freedom


Why do they call A-Rod "A-Fraud?"

I don't know. But I'm pretty close to convinced.

I don't mean that his talent is somehow fraudulent, that he's juicing or something. I give him full credit for being one of the very best of our generation, quite possibly of all time by the time he's done. And you get there only with gobs of talent and a tireless work ethic. No exceptions.

But he's got that same sickly, plasticky sheen Tiger Woods has -- the one that says, "This is all I do; I'm a social outcast at heart, but deep down I know I'm better than you, so leave me alone and listen to my smug quote." Creepy.

When he won this year's AL MVP, for instance, he was asked about his reaction upon finding out. He tried to play it humble, and missed. He talked about what a good year David Ortiz had, and said he thought Ortiz had a chance to win even though he was a DH.

Of course, true humility is not saying "I know I could have lost." Closer to the real thing would have been something like: "Well, I'm honored to be in this kind of company, and other guys had great years." I know I might not have won. Indeed.

But, for something a little more concrete: hey, you ever feel like strings are being pulled right before your eyes, but you're just not tall enough to see the puppetmaster?

A-Rod declares he'll play for the Dominican Republic in the upcoming World Baseball Classic (whose eligibility rules are, for this year, anyway, far looser still than Hitler's were for being Jewish), then backtracks and says he'd consider the US. Then he says that to please everyone, he's just not going to play at all. Now his latest move is to declare for the US team, although the media apprently missed his phrasing ("IF I played, it WOULD be for the United States.")

Brought to you by, the people who made Carlos Delgado stand up. (See the METS section of my CONTINUED STOVE RANTINGS entry.)

Flipped back through a journal, back to some time before the Abramoff deals came down and everyone got all moral. My note under BLOG reads,

4 of 5 GOP voters are being duped. (The fifth one is in on it.)

I think this is so true. Think about the implications for a minute. Think, too, about books, if you're familiar, like "What's the Matter With Kansas." 4 out of 5 simply have the wool pulled over their eyes. The fifth is protecting his own interests, advertently or in-, by doing the wool-pulling.

Ancillary: The Democratic populous is hardly perfect (see previous rants on the government-subsidized status quo, for starters) but what they really want more frequently overlaps with what their representatives really want.

Recent news: Osama bin Laden's voice -- confirmed to be his, apparently -- is heard publicly (on Al Jazeera) for the first time in over a year. He says that another attack on the United States is imminent.

In unrelated news, the Hussein trial is underway, and a huge circus.

In other unrelated news, George W. Bush was re-elected based on fear. (Look, the poll numbers bear it out. Or, if it's more up your alley, so do bar chatter and letters to the editor, all of which read, "You're sitting there crying about civil liberties, but where will you be when they blow up a big city?" You can almost hear the whimpering.)

In other, even less-related news, the Bush family continues to be tight with the bin Ladens.

Oh? Don't believe me? Hey, they've been in business together for 30 years. In fact, it's public record that George H.W. Bush was with one of the bin Ladens when the planes hit the towers.

Yes, really. (Mutual business associates include the unnamed Saudi nationals who were secretly spirited out of the country in the days following, when no other planes were allowed off the ground. If you don't know about this, I suggest you stop reading this journal (no one likes a blog) and either pick up Howard Zinn's "A People's History Of the United States" or go bury your head back in the sand.)

Of course, the bin Ladens say they no longer support Osama.

Of also course, we haven't exactly caught him yet (or spent much effort looking for him), either.

Let's go, people. You did it when you were five: connect the dots.


"He stared at ruin. Ruin stared straight back.
He thought they were old friends."
-John Berryman


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