Porky Rat
New Dehli -- India, for those not keeping track... it's the place where that guy lives who sounds like Apu and helps you make your holiday travel reservations -- has 97 rat catchers on the government payroll. Since 1994, these rat catchers have caught as many rats as my beloved cat Margaret: none. The only difference is, I didn't pay Margaret 97 times fourteen rupees an hour, or whatever the hell they're getting.
They have a hundred ratless stooges, and we, we have Mike Brown, fashion God.
Us 1, India 0.
Now Brown has entered the private sector disaster business, and while cynical critics and critical cynics (long-haired hippie sympathizers, all) have suggested that the move is like Exxon pulling a few oil tankers up to a forest fire and offering to help, it says here the idea is a good one. I mean, wherever Brown goes, disaster is probably not far behind.
Now, bored with what's left of the Brown story, some media outlets are focusing on Louisana Governor Kathleen Blanco, whose media people also prepped her on, for one, how to dress in front of the cameras during hurricane coverage. There's a big difference here, of course, and those wondering my opinion on the ridiculous SFPD video scandal can tune in here as well.
The Blanco story is simply a case of everyday behind-the-scenes posturing, which may be tacky but is a necessary corrollary to her job as Important Politician, finally exposed to daylight. There's nothing really wrong with her process -- or did you expect her to walk out of the governmental mansion and up to the podium without bothering to change from her pajamas? -- it just looks bad to us, in the wake of other, real fiascos. (Brown, judging from his emails, was clearly obsessed, plus revealed himself as a complete boob, whereas Blanco's boobs make up only a small percentage of her overall bodyweight.)
In the case of the SFPD vids, like the Niners vids before them, yeah, it's harmful, it's wrong, but the chief error here was allowing the public to see them. We know that cops, like football teams, like politicians, soldiers, strippers, and other narrow segments of the population, are necessarily wired a certain way, or else would not have become what they are. The group dynamic, of course, exaccerbates the conditions in question: imagine a prisoner, for instance, who, through injustice or hard luck, finds himself facing a long sentence among criminals despite an altruistic nature. How do you suppose he might be affected by his new playmates?
In short, I have to ask people to get over it. Then I have to go do something else.
One thing about Alfonso Soriano: he's AVERAGED a 30-30 season over the last four years. For a second baseman, that's close to Oscar Robertson averaging a triple-double.
Nothing pithy to end my entry with today. So, how about this: fuck off.
Oh yeah, I got it! Some skydiving pregnant lady had a parachute malfunction and hit the pavement face-first at fifty miles an hour.
Sweet action!
"I'll die young, but it's like kissing God."
-Lenny Bruce (on drugs)
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